Experience What Others Have To Say
Many of the CEOs who have commented about FOPP’s value to their firms are themselves FOPP alumni. Participants’ comments are enlightening. Others come directly from the questionnaires FOPP participants complete at the course’s conclusion. Have a look. . . .
“I learned more in the last six months than in 4.5 years at college and 8+ years as an environmental consultant. Thank you!”—Michael Meyerhoefer
“Thank you for providing an invaluable learning experience with FOPP 27. Your lifelong dedication to the elevation of the engineering profession is an inspiration. I hope to use what I've learned to make a significant impact not only in my company, but in the engineering community."—Jennifer "Jennie" Hirata Yamaguchi, P.E., C.E.O., Hirata & Associates, Inc.
Can We Bachner That for You?
Good afternoon, John. I ran across your profile, and I wanted to let you know that your name still comes up often. Jared Tuk was in the FOPP Class 17, and I was in FOPP Class 18, so it has been many years. However, we still cherish the lessons and the overall experience, and we still appreciate your approach and what we gained. As an example, we have long used your name as a verb to indicate required level of document review, as in, "Would you like me to 'Bachner' it for you?" Clearly, we have fond memories! And while we both strive for proper communication and writing, we realize that proper communication was simply the backbone or foundation, and that your efforts also taught us about the "big picture" of professional practice. I know that I have thanked you before, but thank you again, sir. I hope you are doing well.