Enriching the careers of today's rising stars in the private practice of engineering, environmental sciences, architecture, construction-materials engineering and testing, and related professional disciplines.
Fundamentals of Professional Practice (FOPP) is a unique learning experience that immerses participants in the world of private practice, with an emphasis on professional communication, especially through the written word. The course comprises six months of mentored distance learning followed by a powerful two-and-one-half-day, course-concluding seminar. The course is conducted once per year. Course size is limited to the first 150 persons to enroll.
Here's why FOPP is so effective:

It's grounded in reality.

We've done the research.

FOPP guidance lasts.

How Your Firm Will Benefit
Loss Prevention and Staff Retention

FOPP hits Millennials’ sweet spot.
Studies show that Millennials job hop so much because they cannot find what they’re looking for: solid professional development, recognition, and the opportunity to do something big. Insofar as rising stars’ professional development is concerned, nothing comes even remotely close to FOPP. No seminar or webinar. No book or video. Nothing. FOPP stands alone. Participants earn recognition just by being selected. Enrolling someone in FOPP says, “We believe in you. We want you here for the long haul. You are a future leader.” And as for something big, the research assignment can be just that, developing new approaches that the firm adopts, bringing in new clients, developing new report-delivery mechanisms, and so much more, all of which can show up on the bottom line.

We foster professional attitudes and awareness.
FOPP also teaches the importance of:
• asking questions,
• sticking to a schedule, and
• maintaining communication with the client representative.
FOPP education accelerates key staff’s ability to apply these and other "soft skills" that can significantly lower a firm’s exposure to negligence-liability claims while simultaneously strengthening bonds between a firm and its clients, as well as the bonds between a firm and those it regards as its future leaders.

We teach skills that address typical project risks.
Sometimes it only takes seconds to commit million-dollar mistakes. Seldom are the mistakes purely technical. Almost always, they involve inadequate “soft skills,” if only because a professional has neglected to establish a resilient relationship with the client representative. FOPP focuses on the soft skills that relatively few technical professionals have ever been taught. How to:
• avoid disputes and calmly resolve those that cannot be avoided;
• express oneself clearly, without ambiguity;
• understand key contract issues;
• perform active listening; and
• become aware of professional-liability-insurance issues.