It’s All about Outcomes!
Investing your firm’s time and money in the professional development of its rising stars — your firm’s future — is WORTHLESS unless you are 100% confident that the professional development will achieve the outcomes you and your rising stars are looking for. John Bachner’s Fundamentals of Professional Practice program achieves exactly the kind of outcomes that civil-engineering, geoprofessional, environmental, construction-materials engineering and testing, architectural, landscape-architectural, and similar firms typically look for. What are those outcomes? Let the graduates themselves tell you. Just take a look at the results of the surveys we conducted immediately after FOPP 25 (2015-16), FOPP 26 (2016-17), FOPP 27 (2017-2018), FOPP 28 (2018-2019), and FOPP 29/30. FOPP has helped to develop more than 2,000 rising stars, dozens of whom are now their firms’ CEOs; hundreds of whom serve elsewhere on the “C level.” FOPP 31 is forming now. No more than 150 may enroll. Reserve your seats now — no obligation — by clicking here.
—John Bachner